With My Family Cinema, access you content quickly and easily!
Download and install the APP, click on the cloud icon on the home page and then go to the "My Cloud" on the plus symbol (+). Finally, go to "Import from the Internet" where you can either paste the link to the cloud or visit our forum to read other users experience.
That’s it! Now you can enjoy My Family Cinema, the best multimedia platform.
Learn more on how to import your cloud here: https://rebrand.ly/ImportCloud
About My Family Cinema
My Family Cinema is a personal multimedia player that provides the latest news about more than 600,000 movies and series. You can upload your content to MFC quickly and easily and find it automatically organized in different categories such as genre, theme, language, year and more. No loading problems and zero ads: MFC is the best multimedia experience.
For more information visit our website: https://www.myfamilycinema.com/en/
Get started!
You can first experience the MFC service with a 30-day free-trial. Once it expires, you can acquire one of the memberships offered on our website and continue enjoying a unique and easy way of streaming your favorite content.
My Family Cinema is a personal media player software which only offers cinematographic information. This means that it does NOT provide users with any media content. Thus, if they wish to do so, users have to add their own content to the platform. Therefore, MFC is not responsible should said media content be illegal.
而已!现在,您可以享受最好的多媒体平台My Family Cinema。